Friday, October 19, 2007

One of my sweet angels...Jack asleep

Jack is rarely calm, it's not often that he will sit on your lap long enough for you to truly cuddle and appreciate him. Instead, he is the busiest, most active and mobile child I have ever seen. However, every night you can pretty much guarantee he's going to fall asleep sooner or later and when he does....what an angel.


Laurie said...

Hi Debbie- it's Laurie Anderson, (skyline ward, & Mia's friend). It was fun to stumble upon your blog. I love the name "Bunch of Birds" so cute! "Oh" I feel your pain on finishing a basement- we are in the process right now. But we have been working on it for a year, bit-by-bit.

Mama Mia said...

He is adorable! I love going in and checking on my kids as they sleep. You can appreciate them so much more!

corolee said...

Hey Deb I loved the pictures, i need to send you a better one of Sarah...with her wisdom teeth cheeks. She is really excited to come. Of course I am happy for her and sad for me. I have been making her a photo album and realized she needs a bunch of pages that are empty to add her new family too! I am so happy she is going to stay with you guys, of course its not without a lot of tears...I am a cry baby. We miss you guys!